Tuesday, October 29, 2019
An Introduction to Religion in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
An Introduction to Religion in China - Essay Example Other reasons also come to play their part as well and they will be discusses later on (De et al 73). In China religion was something of a taboo because practicing any single faith was considered incorrect. It was more of a pluralistic society which was against allowing members to adhere to any organization. They were more practicing in their cultural customs and believed in following one particular family as a dynasty with its specific rules of living and policies of the state. Scholars still indulge in the argument about China having a religion or not from the time the country took its shape on the planet. Various terms which are now associated with legendary and traditional practices are considered to be the earliest form of value-drilling such as Buddhism and Confucianism, which help in understanding the culture of China even better (De et al 74). Starting with the teaching of Confucianism which goes back to the 551 BCE, one will observe that it was an attempt to revive the golde n age. Kong Qui who came to be known as Confucius was inspired to follow the rituals of the ancient people. He exercised ethical force to make his dynasty follow the same rituals and make these practices common amongst the people. These practices included: i. Consciousness to do the right thing ii. Be loyal to the superiors iii. Be benevolent towards each other The rituals were known as ââ¬Å"liâ⬠which, if practiced, largely affected the role of the individuals in the society and so did their status. Hence, the deities of worshipping were divided into various classes according to the level of peoplesââ¬â¢ performance. Kong Qui was the sole transmitter of the social hierarchies and rituals who stood the weight of the revival of the ancient times. His teachings included the lessons included in the previous books and the people who followed him started associating the teachings as Confucianism. During the late imperial age, the performances in China were remarkably at their p eak and elaborated with various local opera genre and solo performances. Since rituals had been the bedrock of Confucianism, during the time of Tang dynasty, theatricals of all kinds became eminent. For Father Evariste Hue, a European traveler who had lived in China for years exclaimed that China looks more like a fair for amusement of people (De et al 75). Countless works of literature depicted the Chinese tradition including ââ¬Å"Mulian zhuanâ⬠. This opera is considered the best amongst other village performances. In 1929 a performance was recorded in the recital form which was organized and created by the Ding Countyââ¬â¢s experienced village actors in Hebei. The Ding County ââ¬Å"yanggeâ⬠was not a valuable evidence of popular culture. The themes of political righteousness and loyalty are absent while there is much farce and romance to discuss (De et al 104). Right after Kong Quiââ¬â¢s era or even during his time which came considered an overlapping of the pha se, the concept of Daoism began to emerge. This was all about patience and seeing life as a whole despite all the chaos surrounding it. Those persons or hermits who had a connection with the previous teachings including Confucianism were asked to escape the civilization. This made Daoism the most complex tradition especially for the current times. As time passed and people became more accustomed to the modern world the government asked the people to establish temples for every community so that those who wanted to practice Daoism or the teachings of another tradition including Buddhism could do so with peace and strengthen their network (De et al 92). The teachings Buddha emerged next in line and were commonly known among the Chinese as Fojiao. Buddha is
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Globalized Homogeneous Society And Culture In Nepal Cultural Studies Essay
Globalized Homogeneous Society And Culture In Nepal Cultural Studies Essay The dictionary of sociology defined the term, homogeneous as the same in structure, quality etc.; similar or identical or composed of similar or identical elements or parts; uniform. Theobald (1994) suggested that etymologically, the word tour is derived from the Latin tornare and the Greek tornos, meaning a lathe or circle; the movement around a central point or axis. This meaning changed in modern English to represent ones turn. The suffix -ism is defined as an action or process; typical behavior or quality whereas the suffix -ist denotes one that performs a given action. When the word tour and the suffixes -ism and -ist are combined, they suggest the action of movement around a circle. One can argue that a circle represents a starting point, which ultimately returns to its beginning. Therefore, like a circle, a tour represents a journey that is a round trip, i.e., the act of leaving and then returning to the original starting point, and therefore, one who takes such a journey can be called a tourist and whole process known as tourism. In a simple word, globalization is a process by which product and capital markets, economies and cultures are getting progressively integrated on global scale. There are many ways of globalization around the world and no doubt; tourism is a means of globalization. Tourism is an important transmitter of globalization in Nepal. It has significant impacts on societies and cultures in the destinations. It seems a process of acculturation or westernization or Americanization and leads globalized homogenous society and culture. It has been a major source of intercultural contact. Globalization leads to socio-economic and cultural changes in Nepal. Regarding tourism, the impact is differentiated culturally, socially and economically on globalization. According to Robinson, there has been little evidence that tourism brings the world together. Further, he states, tourism is one globalization influence that can initiate dramatic and irreversible changes within the cultures of host communities (Robinson, 1999, p.22). While there is agreement that culture has become increasingly global (Hannerz, 1987; Lechner, 1989; Featherstone, 1990; Robertson 1992), few scholars defend the thesis of a global culture (McLuhan, 1964; Schiller, 1976; Levitt, 1983; Sklair, 1991). Most sociologists (Guillà ©n, 2001) reject the idea that a homogenizing global culture is in the making (Mazlish, 1993; Friedman, 1994; Appadurai, 1996; Geertz, 1998; Held et al., 1999; Inglehart and Baker, 2000). It is clear that a globalization of culture does not necessarily lead to global cultural homogeneity. Micro-phenomenological and conventional cultural models stress the tradition-based resistance of local life to the exogenous pressures of modernization (Meyeret al., 1997). Others point towards diversification in the form of hybridization (Nederveen Pieterse, 1995) or glocalization (Robertson, 1992) of world culture. However, they miss the extent to which, in the contemporary world, the local is itself cosmopolitan (Hannerz, 1987). Again, some scholars strongly argue that globalization leads to a homogenization of culture for example, Giddens (1997:64), who sees it in terms of growing economic and cultural interdependence. In General, it is very difficult to find out what process is there (in Nepalese culture and society), acculturation or Westernization or homogeneous or globalised homogeneous? Respondents opinions were different according to geographic regions, villages and cities. People from cities like Kathmandu, Chitwan, Janakpur and Lumbini have different experiences than Khumbu, Annapurna and Pokhara. A respondent nearby Bouddhanath in Kathmandu said: Everything has changed; you will not get any typical local cultures in this area. People are directly connected to tourist and have to fulfill the demand of tourist. Therefore, they has been using foreign languages, fast food and drinks (pointing to the Coca Cola in shop) but now it turned to habits and not easy to leave these things at present. I totally do not believe, tourism is only one factor for this phenomenon, the actors of globalization are more responsible for it. For example, I use English more than Nepali, in one hand tourism is responsible because my profession is related to this field, but, in other, I listen English songs, watch English movies and many more because without English we ( specially Nepali people) will not grab any better opportunities. A respondent in Themal Kathmandu Actually, the Thamel and Lakesied lifestyle has always attracted western travelers, because they have been getting any things like in western societies, like disco hall, music and movies, food, dress, drinks etc. Even local people are happy to use English language than Nepali. For us it is normal, to celebrate western festivals like Christmas, New Year, concerts, valentines day etc, because we are in touristic area and we must do these things. Again, we are learning some new culture. A respondent in Lakeside Pokhara In the tourist regions and groups most affected by tourism, aspects of a globalized culture are evolving and a special reconstruction of Nepalese culture for tourists is performed. Other groups react against this by re-inventing Nepalese traditions. Tourists themselves enjoy a combination of globalized and reconstructed Nepalese culture, though not willingly and able to understand negative Nepalese reactions and reinvented traditions. This section will describe the impact of tourism based on globalization, on Nepalese society, culture and economy; and how it creates globalised homogeneous society and culture in Nepal. Based on primary data, socio-cultural structures have changed considerably under the influence of tourism in Nepal. Those changes, both positive and negative, have varied from place to place. Tourism has contributed to social and cultural changes in host societies, including changes in value systems norms, traditional lifestyles, cultures, family relationships, language, models, individual behaviour or community structure in Nepal. The responses of the hosts in the face of these modifications have been quite diverse and complex, ranging from an active confrontation to a complete acceptance of Western culture. The choice of strategies to cope with changes wrought by tourism depends on the socio-cultural characteristics of the host community and the level of change affected by tourism. It is suggested that earlier homogeneous community characterized by a specific response to tourism becomes varied and groups exhibiting different responses to tourism emerge within the community because of touristic developments. Tourism makes connection between local to global people. It affects the change in societal norms and values in favor of Western or American norms and values. It is destructing the indigenous culture, system, tradition, social norms, value system, daily life, language, food, drinks, dress and many more through the process of homogenization under state patronages and later creates globalized homogenized society and culture. When local Nepalese, meet with the Western or American norms and values through tourist and globalization have begun to look down upon their own traditional norms and values due to the influences of Western and American norms and values. This situation is not only seen in tourists areas but also into remote villages as well. Needless consumer production of Multinational Companies such as disposable diapers, baby and canned foods, blue jeans, two-wheelers and four-wheelers, fast/junk foods, imported liquors, soft beverages, soft drinks ( like Coca-Cola, Beer), electr onic products are consumed/used by urban Nepalese. The very complex impacts of tourism on Nepalese are discovering new types of culture, society, values, norms and traditions, which contains their own traditional and Western or Americans. This looks like new but combination of local traditional and foreign cultures, values, societies, living style, food and drinks, language and many more. Here are some facts found by researcher during his study time; majority of Nepalese in tourists hubs are intending that that individualism is good, but communication is bad, that Christianity is good but Animism, Lamaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism are bad. Similarly, drinking local beer ( Chyang and tongba), Mohi, Lassi (A kind drink made by Yoghurt) and milk are bad but drinking Western Beer, Wine, Whisky Coca-Cola and imported dust milk are good, that riding car is good but walking/ trekking is bad. Similarly, CNN and BBC are the reliable news sources but not National channels are not, English or foreign movies are best but not owns, again best educa tion is available in USA, U.K., Germany, Australia, and Canada but not inside country. On the basis on data, the researched concluded that, it is interesting that due to impact of tourism by the process of globalization, two things are happening in Nepalese society and culture: a globalized homogeneous are developing and at the same time Nepalese cultures are reconstructing on local levels ( for tourist but also as identity building and national politics). The researcher has analyzed various variables to prove, tourism has created globalized homogeneous society and culture in Nepal. The researcher has collected data on family structure of local respondents. The traditional family structure of local people was joint family headed by father or mother. After introduction of tourism, people knew that single family is good and easy to manage than extend family. After that, the structure of joint family has been changing in to the nuclear family. The history and literatures says; the nuclear family has started from Europe and America after industrial revolution. Most of the natives especially new generation who are working in tourism are interested to stay in nuclear family instead of joint or extend family. The research has found, tourism is one cause of the cause of single (nuclear) family; because they are busy than others profession and cannot give time for their family members. This types of data proved that Nepalese family structure is not different form European and American. Gambling, prostitution and drug abuse were not found in the history of Nepalese civilization. Somehow, it was exist unknowingly in high-level family like Rana and Royal, because these are socially prohibited activities and still these are socially prohibited. After introduction of tourism, such activities were found in touristic areas. At the beginning, the Government and local societies ignored those activities due to tourism industry and gradually these activities were increased dramatically. Now it is big problem for Nepalese society. Gambling, prostitution and drug abuse are directly related to tourism in Nepal because tourism is the key factor of those activities. Such activities are more in touristic hubs of Nepal and slowly expanding to the all-major cities. The answer given by tourist from USA in Thamel: I was surprised when I was walking in Thamel, Kathmandu, I feel I was walking in some street of Las Vegas of USA and walking street in Thailand. Nepal is not so for from sex tourism. Similarly, in the case of gambling, some countries found to manage gambling for the foreigners in their countries. In this aspect, Los Vegas of America is a famous gambling center in the World. Such types of facilities are mostly found in Hotel in Nepal. But, Nepal government do not have any rules against local people to involve in such activities. Major touristic areas of Nepal like Kathmandu, Pokhara and Chitwan such activities has been increasing especially Young locals. Which prove that tourists places of Nepal is not different from American and European touristic places. This could be an example of globalised homogeneous society and culture created by tourism in Nepal. The next variable of globalised homogeneous society and culture in Nepal is language. Nepalese society is ethnically varied and multifaceted (complex). In Nepal, there are 61 ethnic cast group and they speak different languages. Languages, cast religion, and dress are different according to geographic regains. Formally, most of people in different geographical regions communicate each other in their own language. After introduction of tourism in communities, all indigenous people, who have opened hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, travel and trekking agencies are, have to speak foreign languages for their business. Similarly, the local guide and all workers related to tourism should speak English and other foreign language. Therefore, there are huge demand of such persons able to speak English and foreign language. To get better opportunities people started to learn foreign language. Most of the people had started to learn foreign languages with tourists because they did not have language center in their society, for this work, different International and national organization has been helping them. I have been working in tourism more than 30 years, I do not have any schooling education in foreign languages, me and my family members can speak English very fluently, not only in business we use English at home also. Even my son can speak German, French and Japanese except English, we learnt it from tourist. A father with his family members in Thamel Kathmandu Furthermore, majority of the indigenous people involved in tourism can understand communication easily with the tourist in different foreign languages. Nowadays the youngsters are gradually adopting to speak English and foreign languages in their daily activities too. These changes in people are because of the involvement in tourism and enable to speak English and other languages in their daily activities. However, nowadays people are happy to use English rather than their own language. Most of the people are using mixed Nepali language: Nepali plus English. The researcher has found most of local people are using broken language; English plus Nepali in the study areas. It is proved that, people are using neither their own language correctly nor foreign. They introduced new types of mixed language for their daily life. Therefore, westernization in language is seen clearly in Nepal. It will be certainly happen that in future large number of the Nepalese will use English language in the ir daily life. This could be the best example of globalized homogeneous society and culture, because English is spoken all over the World as international language. Similarly; Food, drinks, dress, marriage and lifestyles are other important variables to discuss on globalized homogenous society and culture in Nepal. The food of Nepal is as diverse as the country itself, it is easy to cook and good to eat and famous for its nutrition level and tempting taste. Dal Bhat (Pulses and rice), Roti (flat bread), Gundrook- Dheedo (wheat, maize porridge and dried green vegetables) are common food. In addition, milk, Rakshi, Tomba, Mohi, Lassi (A kind drink made by Yoghurt) are common drinks in Nepal. After introduction of tourism, local people were forced to make varieties of foreign food to fulfill tourists demand. Gradually, local peoples food items were changing in to foreign food. Nepalese neither changed their local food totally nor accepted foreign food. Some new types of food were introduced, having both qualities form local and foreign food. However, majority of local people were happy to consume modern foreign food and drinks, like Biscuits, Noodles, sweets, Pizza, Pasta, Burger, Cake, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Western Beer, Wine, Whisky and many more food and drinks. Even people prefer to go to the hote ls and restaurants rather than at home. Our children are growing their hair out, and the evening, when they leave the Patan, each carries a bottle of Coca-Cola and fast food in their hand. Nowadays, there is a rebellion against family values. I grew up with a different lifestyle than my son. When I talk to him: look my son; he is Badmasi (a bad people in Nepalese sense); you have to respect our traditions, cultureà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦, he said; do not worry. But, they never care on it. I am afraid that they are importing some bad values and customs, thats why I moved away from here. A respondent in Patan Durbar square, Lalitpur Regarding to Nepalese dress, Daura-Suruwal and Topi (Nepali Cap) for men and Sari (Gunyo), Choli for women in general but men use Shirt, Pant, and women use Kurtha-suruwal also. People who have connection with tourist are using different types of western fashion like jeans, metallic clothes, t-shirt of Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, WWE superstar and some junky dresses. Such condition is worst in women; they are happy with modern boutiques, tight jeans and with two pieces of clothes seem undressed, which is not acceptable in Nepalese society, such things are found more in tourist areas. Similarly, arrange marriage has been considering as the best marriage system in Nepal in the past even today. However, the idea of romantic love has seeped into the mentality of youngsters. This is a result of external influences, among them tourism and movies. They prefer love marriages, where they can choose their own mates. Sometimes their own choosing results in inter-caste and inter-community marriages. Except for one reported case, cross-cultural marriages are rare in Ghandruk, Khumbu, Chitwan, Kathmandu and Jankpur as compared to the Armapuma region and Lumbini, where such marriages are more frequent. Overall, tourists remain a fascination for youngsters, along with their material wealth and ideas about conjugal matters. In other cases, the tourist ends up marrying native people in Khumbu, Annapuran, Kathamndu, Pokhara, and Chitwan etc. The new generation of such couple has both mixed culture; foreign and local, which is one of the key factor to introduce a new type of globali sed homogenized society and culture in Nepal. The influxes of tourists have had major effect on the local communities, particularly on the indigenous people like Sherpas Rai, Gurung, Tamang, Tharu (a Nepalese ethnic group), who live around the trekking routes of Khumbu, Annapurna region and Chitwan. The culture of those indigenous people has been changed as well as the structure of the local economies. Here is a comparative chart between traditional and globalised Nepalese culture before and after tourism. Before tourism (Traditional) After tourism (Globalised) Family structure ( Joint or extend family) Gambling, prostitution and drug abuse were not found. Traditional Nepali and other Languages according to Region and cast. Traditional food and drinks; Dal Bhat, Roti, Gundrook- Dheedoand milk, Rakshi, Tomba, Mohi, Lassietc. Dress; Daura-Suruwal, Topi, Shirt, pant for men and Sari (Gunyo), Choli and Kurtha-suruwal for women. Nuclear family Gambling, prostitution and drug abuse can be found everywhere especially more in tourist places. Mixed (Nepali and other foreign) languages, and majority of people speak English in their daily life. Globalised food and drinks; Biscuits, Noodles, Chocolates, Pizza, Pasta, Burger, Cake, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Western Beer, Wine, Whisky and many more. Dress; western fashion like jeans, metallic clothes, t-shirt of Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, WWE superstar. Tourism still has impact on local society and culture in Nepal. Participants report that tourism has more contradicted religion and traditions, while some of them expressed the fear of potential impact on younger generations. Such sentiments were centered near Khumbu and Annapurna, where the impact on society and culture are more present than in the other sites. Among the negative impacts reported in study, areas are; the consumption of alcohol, the imitation of tourist behaviour and sexual relations with tourists, increasing foreign food, dress, drug, language, gambling and unwanted lifestyle change. Yet, as we have already seen, if anything characterizes developments such as those mentions above, it is their particularism. In my opinion, it would be a mistake to read this particular case as an example of global cultural heterogeneity. As representing some more authentic cultural voice, that has its roots somewhere outside global culture. A number of theories of the global condition are eager to point out that the current phase of cultural globalization neither implies that we are merely witnessing a new kind of cultural imperialism not means that world cultural is becoming more homogeneous. If anything, the current phase of globalization is characterized as much by cultural differentiation as it is by homogenizing process. Therefore, I can say by looking answers given by respondents, tourism is an important transmitter of globalization in Nepal, due to tourism two things happened in Nepalese society and culture: a globalized homogeneous culture develops but the same time Nepales e cultures are reconstructed on local levels.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Misperception and Deception in William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Ess
Misperception and Deception in Twelfth Nightà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Twelfth Night is likely one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s most entertaining and complete comedy. This romance explores a generous wealth of themes and issues. The most recurrent theme is the relationship between misperception and deception. As a result of their environment and immediate circumstances, men are forced into misperceptions. Paradoxically, they are completely trapped by these illusions. Between the bad fortune they encounter and the bad fortune they themselves generate, they become caught between a rock and a hard place; they are victims of deceit as well as their own folly. The relationship between misperception and deception has numerous effects: it gives way to ironic humor; it is used to explore characters and relationships; it develops a strong connection between the main plot (with Viola, Orsino, Olivia, and the others) and the sub-plot (involving Sir Andrew, Sir Toby, Malvolio, and Maria). The following piece from Twelfth Night proves how Shakespeare successfully communicates these elements. The scene involving Viola and Olivia outlines this; the essence of the play. ('I prithee, tell me what thoust think'st of me.') 'That you do not think you are not what you are.' 'If I think so, I think the same of you.' 'Then think you right: I am not what I am.' Through the course of the play much confusion occurs because of misperception and deception as the following brief outline of the plot shows. Towards the end of the play, Viola is blamed for a number of things. She is charged ... ...ne own self be true.' Works Cited and Consulted: Bloom, Harold, ed. William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Grief, Karen. "Plays and Playing in Twelfth Night". Bloom (47-60). Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. London: Methuen & Co., 1980. Osborne, Laurie E. The Trick of Singularity: Twelfth Night and the Performance Editions. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night. Ed. J. M. Lothian and T.W. Craik. UK: Methuen & Co., 1975. Thatcher, David. Begging to Differ: Modes of Discrepancy in Shakespeare. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. Vickers, Brian. Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven: Yale U P, 1993 Misperception and Deception in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night Ess Misperception and Deception in Twelfth Nightà à à à à à à à à à à à à à à Twelfth Night is likely one of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s most entertaining and complete comedy. This romance explores a generous wealth of themes and issues. The most recurrent theme is the relationship between misperception and deception. As a result of their environment and immediate circumstances, men are forced into misperceptions. Paradoxically, they are completely trapped by these illusions. Between the bad fortune they encounter and the bad fortune they themselves generate, they become caught between a rock and a hard place; they are victims of deceit as well as their own folly. The relationship between misperception and deception has numerous effects: it gives way to ironic humor; it is used to explore characters and relationships; it develops a strong connection between the main plot (with Viola, Orsino, Olivia, and the others) and the sub-plot (involving Sir Andrew, Sir Toby, Malvolio, and Maria). The following piece from Twelfth Night proves how Shakespeare successfully communicates these elements. The scene involving Viola and Olivia outlines this; the essence of the play. ('I prithee, tell me what thoust think'st of me.') 'That you do not think you are not what you are.' 'If I think so, I think the same of you.' 'Then think you right: I am not what I am.' Through the course of the play much confusion occurs because of misperception and deception as the following brief outline of the plot shows. Towards the end of the play, Viola is blamed for a number of things. She is charged ... ...ne own self be true.' Works Cited and Consulted: Bloom, Harold, ed. William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. Grief, Karen. "Plays and Playing in Twelfth Night". Bloom (47-60). Nevo, Ruth. Comic Transformations in Shakespeare. London: Methuen & Co., 1980. Osborne, Laurie E. The Trick of Singularity: Twelfth Night and the Performance Editions. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1996. Shakespeare, William. The Arden Edition of the Works of William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night. Ed. J. M. Lothian and T.W. Craik. UK: Methuen & Co., 1975. Thatcher, David. Begging to Differ: Modes of Discrepancy in Shakespeare. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. Vickers, Brian. Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven: Yale U P, 1993
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Bureaucratic Management Theory
Bureaucracy is a type of organizational structure that is found in many large-scale public and private organizations. This still exists in the majority of industrial organizations in the world, despite being around since the 18th century. German sociologist, Max Weber created the bureaucratic management theory which describes bureaucracy as technically superior to all other forms of organizations. Bureaucracies have clear and explicit rules outlining exactly how employees should perform tasks.Ideally, bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical authority relations, defined spheres of competence subject to impersonal rules, recruitment by competence and fixed salaries. The main aims of bureaucracy are to be rational, efficient, and professional. Bureaucracy has an implied clear-cut division of labour and a high level of specialization, as well as a clearly defined hierarchy. Despite being a very old type of organizational structure, bureaucracies continue to be a highly influential t emplate for designing and managing organizations; yet, this system is no longer considered the most effective way to run an organization.Bureaucracy as a system of management has many advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include each employee of the organization knowing precisely what their duties are within the organization, and therefore performing their many tasks quicker and more efficiently. The clear-cut rules set by bureaucratic systems also enable the organization to respond readily to demands that are set and make decision making easy.Bureaucratic systems have a greater sense of direction and purpose than other types of organization structure. The clear-cut criteria of a bureaucratic system enable the organization to appoint successors when an employee leaves without little trouble, and therefore causes as little disruption. The disadvantages that a bureaucratic system brings to the overall running and efficiency of a business and its employees include undermining t he ability of employees to take initiative and be creative.The bureaucratic practices have led to creating a mind that generally lacks curiosity and can only function within certain limits and according to prescribed rules and regulations. The bureaucratic mind, being in control, uses this authority to limit the ability of the system to reform itself. No one within such a system has enough authority to initiate change and no one has enough courage to propose drastic change and disrupt the prevailing order and peace.However, as Max Weber himself noted, real bureaucracy will be less optimal and effective than his ideal type model. Competences can be unclear and used contrary to the spirit of the law. This means that sometimes a decision itself may be considered more important than its effect. Nepotism, corruption, political infighting and other degenerations can counter the rule of impersonality and can create a recruitment and promotion system not based on meritocracy but rather onà oligarchy.Regarding the Japanese style of management, the recruitment procedures for new employees is more rigorous in Japan than in the United Kingdom to ensure that the ââ¬Ëcream of the cropââ¬â¢ are identified, utilized and cultivated. People are not allowed to use common sense, as everything must be as is written by the law. Even a non-degenerated bureaucracy can be affected by common problems of overspecialization, which is, making individual officials not aware of larger consequences of their action.There is rigidity and inertia of procedures, making decision-making slow or even impossible when facing some unusual case, and similarly delaying change, evolution and adaptation of old procedures to new circumstances. There is a phenomenon ofà group thinkingà in terms of zealotry, loyalty and lack ofà thinking regarding the organization which isà perfectà andà always correctà by definition, making the organization unable to change and realize its own mistakes and limitations.There is a disregard for dissenting opinions, even when such views suit the available data better than the opinion of the majority. As bureaucracy creates more and more rules and procedures, their complexity rises and coordination diminishes, facilitating creation ofà contradictoryà andà recursiveà rules, as described by the saying ââ¬Å"the bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracyâ⬠. Despite the many disadvantages of bureaucracy, we believe that the degree of control it gives superiors over subordinates to be more serious and possibly the most damaging outcome.For many people, the word ââ¬ËBureaucracyââ¬â¢ conjures up an image of a mass of media workers buried in mounds of paper and tied to a set of petty rules, the notorious ââ¬Ëred tapeââ¬â¢. Red tape can be used as a weapon against programs that are not popular with the administration, for instance, by participating in a program requires you to fill out fo rms. The program might cease to exist if no one uses it. Bureaucracies are often the focus of popular dislike, especially because they are perceived to be inefficient and lack flexibility to meet individual requirements.Osborne and Gaebler (1993) promotedà Debureaucratization, which they summed up as decentralization, deregulation, downsizing andà outsourcing. Debureaucratization is the primary way to achieving the goal of a strong, autonomous, and self-sufficient barangays. This is setting to right the excessive centralization of power, authority, responsibility and recourse by the national government. The shortcomings of bureaucracy are evident in organizations today.Control tends to convince superiors that it is their responsibility to know all details, allow no surprises, delegate no authority and have all situations under tight control. And since no boss can obtain the knowledge he or she needs to control everything and guide everyone and influence every situation, the domi nance of the bureaucratic mind has become a threat, undermining critical thinking, free speech, creativity and institutional transformation.The enlightened bureaucrat that certain people try to promote is nothing but a fiction. As a consequence, very few people in a bureaucracy are in a position to think, take initiative and be creative. New ideas are therefore rarely and seldom encouraged. When control and subordination become the organizing principles of an organization, they undermine the organizationââ¬â¢s ability to respond to challenges, to anticipate the growing needs of its clients and to adapt in a time to the changing circumstances of its times.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
International Staffing Policies Essay
Ethnocentric is a staffing policy that is used in companies that has primarily international strategic orientation. This policy is generally adopted by headquarters by sending employees from the home or parent countries to the host country. This approach is used best in some situations such as, a team is sent from the home country to help setting up a new plant as well as train subsidiary personnel to use new system. The benefit of having staffs from home country abroad is that employees may gain experiences worldwide in order to become higher level in management of their headquarters because international managers require broad perspective and international exposure. For the example of Ethnocentric policies have McDonaldââ¬â¢s. McDonaldââ¬â¢s follows the ethnocentric orientation model. This requires an American management culture in all worldââ¬â¢s areas inside and outside the company (HRM, production method, training, motivationâ⬠¦) McDonaldââ¬â¢s has created it own world center for training: The ââ¬Å"Hamburger Universityâ⬠. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois (USA). It offers training programs exclusively for McDonaldââ¬â¢s employees. These staff, coming from over 119 countries, represents the ââ¬Å"McFamilyâ⬠. The training program of the ââ¬Å"Hamburger Universityâ⬠aims to develop the McDonaldââ¬â¢s staff at all levels of the organization. it also aims to train people for a long career at McDonaldââ¬â¢s, as the policy is based on long-term careerââ¬â¢s concept and strong possibilities of change and development within the group. It promises simple teammate to move up the ranks quickly. This is a crucial point for McDonaldââ¬â¢s HRMââ¬â¢s communication. I n Europe and in spite of cultural diversity, this model demonstrates its large success. Polycentric is the policy involved hiring and promoting employees who are citizens of the host countries that the subsidiary is operated. This policy is best used when companies want to keep hiring cost low. Moreover, employees who are hired at subsidiary level would not have any problem adapting to the culture. Communication is smooth within the operation. For the example of Polycentric policy: Starbucks Through a flat and flexible structure, Starbucks empowers employees to make decisions without management referral and are encouraged to consider themselves as a part of the business. This point is issued by companyââ¬â¢s corporate culture and such work environment has positive ripples on employeesââ¬â¢ motivation. This principle increases the involvement and the commitment of each employees from subsidiaries and makes them feel necessary for the company. This high level of autonomy allows workers to be more innovative and to take more initiatives. Thanks to its structure and to the empowerment of its employees, the company has managed to facilitate the exchange and the transversal communication, which allows it to react rapidly to the customersââ¬â¢ needs or to cope with more effectively with problems. Starbucks CEO and the board of directors wanted the mission statement to convey a strong sense of organizational purpose and to articulate the companyââ¬â¢s fundamental beliefs and guiding principles. They also pay attention to employeesââ¬â¢ and customersââ¬â¢ concerns to make the mission statement evolve. Indeed, these mission statements are based on several principles that consider the interests of customers, communities, employees, shareholders, and ecological considerations in all aspects of their operations. Geocentric staffing approach is used when companies adopt a transnational orientation. It is best used when companies need the best personnel to work at subsidiary. Employees are selected regardless where they come from. This staffing strategy is reliable for all subsidiaries because best employees are selected and sent from the companyââ¬â¢s worldwide network. For the example of Geocentric staffing have: Volkswagen The challenge of this joint venture was in harmonizing the Czech culture with the Volkswagenââ¬â¢s (VW) culture. The formation of the new corporate culture has gone through three stages: To install this VW culture in the Czech plant, policy measures varied. For example, information was disseminated concerning the activities in all sections of the company, including in the head office, training was implemented at VW and VW were assigned to the VW factory in the Czech Republic to spread the to VW company philosophy. The main problem centered on the difference between the socialist mind set and the VW culture. To resolve the problem, key positions were entrusted to employees from VW, trained in the dual system. The creation of a uniform corporate culture in a multicultural environment is a very important strategic task. The solution was to link the different work attitudes with different business structures for a new unit to be reborn. Then, all participants would be satisfied. Staffing Approach Strategic Appropriateness Advantages Disadvantages Ethnocentric International Overcomes lack of qualified managers in host nation Unified Culture Helps transfer core competencies Produces resentment in host country Can lead to cultural myopia Polycentric Multidomestic Aleviates cultural myopia Inexpensive to implement Limits career mobility Isolates headquarters from foreign subsidiaries Geocentric Global and translational Uses human resources efficiently Helps build strong cultre and informal management network Expensive
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
my papers
my papers my papers Official Florida Driverââ¬â¢s Handbook 2014 Disclaimer ment practices require the collection of certain personal information in the driver licensing process. This personal information identifies an individual and is used for records management, driver improvement, financial responsibility, and law enforcement purposes. The Florida Driverââ¬â¢s Handbook covers many condensed and paraphrased points of Floridaââ¬â¢s laws and provides safety advice not covered in the laws. The handbook is not a legal authority and should not be used in a court of law. The Florida Driverââ¬â¢s Handbook is printed in volume and copies already obtained will not reflect any changes made by Legislature regarding fees or laws passed after the revision date. Failure to provide the required information will result in denial of a license or identification card. Falsification of information may result in prosecution. Florida law specifies that all documents or other material made or received in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency are public records. In addition to all documents, information taken from them is subject to public disclosure under Floridaââ¬â¢s Public Records law. This personal information, including name, address and driver license number is confidential by law, but may be given to law enforcement agencies, insurance companies, credit bureaus, lending institutions, and any other entity exempted by statute. Medical information, social security number and emergency contact information are further protected and may only be released as specifically authorized by Florida law. Remember Driving Is A Privilege and Not A Right. Protect Yourself and Others By Knowing The Laws and Driving Safely. Warning Under section 322.212 (5), Florida Statutes, it is a third degree felony to use a false or fictitious name in any application for a driver license or identification card, or to knowingly make a false statement, knowingly conceal a material fact, or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application. Violators face immediate arrest and, upon conviction, penalties up to a maximum fine of $5,000 and imprisonment up to 5 years. The Division of Motorist Services strives to ensure the accuracy of information obtained in the licensing process and makes every effort to correct any incorrect information in its files. Incorrect information may be corrected by supplying your complete name, date of birth, driver license number, information on the nature of the error and proof that it is an error to the Chief, Bureau of Records, Neil Kirkman Building, MS 89, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0575, or telephone (850) 617-2000.. Certain information, such as conviction reports received from a court, can only be corrected upon notification from the court that the report was in error. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV)will suspend the driving privilege for one year of any person who makes a fraudulent application for a Florida driver license. Under section 322.36, Florida Statutes, it is unlawful for any person to authorize or knowingly permit a motor vehicle to be operated by any person who does not hold a valid driver license. Public Records Florida law and sound records manage2 Official Florida Driverââ¬â¢s Handbook 2014 Automobile insurance information is exempt from the Public Records Law. This information is provided to any party involved in the crash, their attorney or insurance company, law enforcement agencies and officers of the court, after receiving a written request and copy of the crash report. lane unless passing. s. 318.081 F.S. Revises due process procedures for red light camera violation. This change allows placement of a stop on any vehicle owned or co-owned by the offender. Establishes when a private entity may swipe a driver license or identification card and how the data may be used. Also establishes
Monday, October 21, 2019
Commentary on Lord Of The Flies Simons Death Essays
Commentary on Lord Of The Flies Simons Death Essays Commentary on Lord Of The Flies Simons Death Paper Commentary on Lord Of The Flies Simons Death Paper Essay Topic: Lord Of the Flies Simons Death, Lord Of The Flies In this passage that I analyzed, itââ¬â¢s right before Simon gets killed. The other guys on the island killed Simon and it was a truly brutal murder. They attacked Simon like a hunter attacking his prey; it was as if the boys were all animals. This passage actually shows how the boys changed towards the end of the book and it shows the effects of the island on the boys. The island has turned the boys into monsters. William Golding believed that human beings were born evil and the lack of rules just let them show their true selves, I donââ¬â¢t believe this, I believe that people are raised evil and especially childhood traumas can effect the future of the person. If a child was abused and didnââ¬â¢t have a loving family as a child they might unconsciously act the same way towards their children or people surrounding them. The children on the island had no boundaries, they did whatever they pleased, they didnââ¬â¢t have a stable lifestyle with people taking care of them and giving them food and a safe place to sleep in. On the island the boys had to do everything themselves, they had to build homes, a fire, and they had to hunt for food. These children were very young and the hunting must have seemed extremely cool to them and they must have loved the feeling that comes with killing another living thing because most of them did not even feel a tiny amount of guilt when they killed Simon, this is very upsetting. Simon was the representation of peace and spirituality in the book, after Simonââ¬â¢s death the boys lost the last bit of serenity they had amongst them and caused chaos all over the island, in the end they lit the island on fire and it was the representation of war. The boys murdered Simon in a brutal way while singing and dancing by the campfire. The boys have changed so much throughout the course of the book. The boys started off as innocent scared boys and turned into brave, psychotic murderers.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Where to Find the Best Marketing Jobs You Actually Want
Where to Find the Best Marketing Jobs You Actually Want If youââ¬â¢re starting a marketing job search, you might go straight to a major career listing website. That isnââ¬â¢t a bad place to begin. In fact, they can be a great starting place for finding opportunities. However, they have some downsides. For one, everyone uses those sites. If you apply for a job on one of them, youââ¬â¢re probably competing against hundreds of other applicants too. So, if youââ¬â¢re serious about advancing your career, you might need to get more creative. Some of the best opportunities out there are never publicly listed, and sometimes, exhausting all available avenues is the fastest way to find what youââ¬â¢re looking for. That means scoping out sites others overlook. Itââ¬â¢s also important to get out of the house, and meet real people face-to-face who can help point you in the right direction. This might sound like a lot of work, but when youââ¬â¢re job hunting, finding your next landing spot is your full-time job. Donââ¬â¢t let yourself be outworked before the real work begins. In this post, youââ¬â¢ll learn: Where to find companies looking to fill positions. How to do some real-world networking. Unconventional ways to get an employerââ¬â¢s attention. Plus, youââ¬â¢ll get one free tool to help keep yourself organized â⬠¦ â⬠¦ Download Your Free Marketing Job Hunting Spreadsheet Once you start this process, youââ¬â¢ll have lots of listings and contacts to keep track of. In order to keep everything organized, use this free spreadsheet. It includes fields for tracking everywhere you apply, openings you find most interesting, people you meet, and more. Plus, youââ¬â¢ll get a free marketing resume template. Together, these two resources will save you time, and get you closer to landing the job you want. Where to Find the Best Marketing Jobs You Actually Want by @Ben_via @ Table of Contents: Common Marketing Job Titles The Marketing Hiring Forecast General Job Listing Sites Marketing Job Listing Sites Visiting Your State's Job Services Site Using Google Using Twitter and LinkedIn Visiting Company Sites Directly Leveraging Local Networking Events Consider Starting a Blog Keeping Your Marketing Job Hunt Organized Common Marketing Job Titles Youââ¬â¢ll Likely Find If youââ¬â¢ve started a career in the industry, and are looking to make the next step forward, you likely know which type of specific role youââ¬â¢re looking for. But, what if youââ¬â¢re starting fresh, or arenââ¬â¢t sure whether youââ¬â¢re ready to reach for the next rung on the ladder? Sometimes, reviewing marketing openings can be confusing because companies get cute with ââ¬Å"creativeâ⬠job titles. Who even knows what a ââ¬Å"social media guruâ⬠or ââ¬Å"content ninjaâ⬠really does, anyway? To make things a bit more simple, here are some common roles and titles you might encounter during your job hunt. Theyââ¬â¢re loosely grouped under a handful of areas: Common Marketing Job Titles: Strategy Marketing Strategist Content Strategist Search Marketing Strategist Social Media Strategist Marketing Consultant Creative Copywriter Content Writer / Creator Designer Social Media Specialist Creative Director Management Communications Director Content Marketing Manager Social Media Manager Account Manager Technical UX Designer SEO Specialist / Manager Marketing Technologist Marketing Automation Specialist Analysis Marketing Analyst Data Scientist Insights Analyst Research Analyst Paid Search/Social Inbound Marketer Paid Social Media Specialist PPC Specialist Project / Account Management Marketing Project Manager Brand Manager Account Manager Product Manager What Does the Marketing Hiring Forecast Look Like? There are open positions for marketers all over the world. But, some markets are hotter than others. So, where is the bulk of hiring happening, what does the future look like, and what skills and roles are most in demand? Starting With General Job Listing Sites This is the most obvious place to start. While itââ¬â¢s true that the jobs you find here will be highly competitive, it never hurts to throw your hat in the ring. And who knows, you just might find exactly what youââ¬â¢re looking for. Best Job Listing Sites: Indeed Monster Glassdoor Google Jobs Career Builder Zip Recruiter LinkedIn Craigslist Idealist CommongoodIndeed This is perhaps the 800lb. gorilla in the job website space. Itââ¬â¢s clean, loaded with opportunities, and easy to search. Most major companies will include openings here, and in comparison to similar sites, it might be the best. Find opportunities on Indeed See Other Sites Monster Monster is similar to Indeed, and has been around for years. Likewise, this is a good place to find big-time opportunities with large companies. Find opportunities on Monster See Other Sites Glassdoor The primary advantage Glassdoor has over other sites is it includes direct reviews from present and past employees at every company it lists. It requires registration, but itââ¬â¢s worthwhile to get unvarnished insight into whether a company is a good place to work, or the right fit for you. Find opportunities on Glassdoor See Other Sites Google Jobs This isn't its own service, but rather a means for Google to curate job listings from other sources on the search engine. Google searches for job listings will now populate a featured box at the top of the SERP. See Other Sites Career Builder Similar to Indeed, Monster, and the like. It appears to fallen out of favor somewhat compared to bigger players in the space, but itââ¬â¢s not a bad place to look. Find opportunities on Career Builder See Other Sites Zip Recruiter When it comes to job hunting, according to ZipRecuiterââ¬â¢s home page, ââ¬Å"thereââ¬â¢s no need to look anywhere else.â⬠Thatââ¬â¢s a bold proclamation, but to their credit, the site does take a unique approach to connecting applicants to hiring managers: You upload your resume. Apply to jobs in one click. Then, you can see all kinds of stuff, like how often your application has been reviewed. In short, this sounds like an easy way to put yourself out there, and let hiring managers seek you out. Find opportunities on Zip Recruiter See Other Sites LinkedIn If you arenââ¬â¢t active on LinkedIn, now is the time to start. Itââ¬â¢s easy to think of it as the boring professional alternative to Facebook, but that perception is erroneous. Lots of companies share opportunities here, and a lot of current employees at those companies share those listings, as well. This is also a good place to shamelessly promote the fact that youââ¬â¢re looking. Find opportunities on LinkedIn See Other Sites Craigslist No joke: this is where I found my first full-time job in the industry (at a multi-million dollar ecommerce company). While Craiglist sometimes gets overrun with low-quality direct or door-to-door sales jobs that are passed off as ââ¬Å"marketingâ⬠positions, you can find some gold here, too. Find opportunities on Craigslist See Other Sites Idealist This is the place to go if youââ¬â¢re looking to make a change in the world. Focused on philanthropic and mission-driven opportunities, you can find marketing and communications jobs with activist organizations, non-profits, charitable organizations, and more here. Find opportunities on Idealist See Other Sites Commongood Another site similar to Idealist, but focused more specifically on non-profits. Find opportunities on Commongood Moving Onto Marketing Industry-Specific Job Listing Sites Table of Contents: The Drum PR Crossing Creative Pool Behance Contena AMA Mashable Talent Zoo The Drum This popular industry blog features a well-curated careers listing page for jobs in the UK. Find opportunities on The Drum See More Sites PR Crossing This is the place to go for curated listings in the public relations industry. Find opportunities on PR Crossing See More Sites Creative Pool Described as a networking tool for creative professionals, itââ¬â¢s focused heavily on jobs in the UK and Europe. It offers more than just job listings too, with an active blog and other career development resources. Find opportunities on Creative Pool See More Sites Behance Behance is most specifically targeted toward designers, but creative copywriters might find opportunities here, too. Itââ¬â¢s worth a look if youââ¬â¢re chasing an agency job. Find opportunities on Behance See More Sites Contena A newer entry on the scene, Contena is a paid service that helps connects freelance content creators with remote opportunities. The upfront cost is a little steep, but if youââ¬â¢re serious about living the work-from-home life (which appears to be a focus here), it may be worth checking out. Find opportunities on Contena AMA The American Marketing Association maintains an active job listings section. Find opportunities from the AMA See More Sites Mashable Hereââ¬â¢s one that might come as a surprise: Mashable maintains a marketing and PR jobs board. Itââ¬â¢s not a lazy tacked-on page, either. It appears to be well-curated and deserving of consideration. Find opportunities on Mashable See More Sites Talent Zoo A great resource for advertising, marketing, and creative jobs. Itââ¬â¢s like Indeed or Monster, but focused entirely on marketing opportunities. Find opportunities on Talent Zoo See More Sites Visit Your Stateââ¬â¢s Department of Employment Website Most states have some sort of employment website. You might not find actual job listings here, but you can find tons of helpful educational resources on job hunting in general, including advice on what to do if youââ¬â¢re laid off (in case thatââ¬â¢s the reason why youââ¬â¢re looking for work. Find Department of Labor Resources for Every US State Try Some Simple Google Searches Once youââ¬â¢ve trawled through some job listing sites, try some simple search engine queries. This can help surface positions that might be listed on companyââ¬â¢s own sites. All you need to do is search [JOB TITLE/DISCIPLINE] + [CITY/STATE/COUNTRY]. Hereââ¬â¢s an example of search from my city (note the listing from Microsoft): Sometimes, this is all it takes to find what youââ¬â¢re looking for. Note, also, that all three of these listings are served up from other sites (CareerBuilder, Glassdoor, and ZipRecruiter). Scope Out Opportunities on Twitter and LinkedIn If you already have a professional following on Twitter, let them know youââ¬â¢re searching for new opportunities (as long as your current employer wonââ¬â¢t be concerned to hear this). Or, just put a word out there even if you arenââ¬â¢t primarily using Twitter for work; someone you know, might know someone you want to know. Borrow some of this copy-and-paste tweet template: Hey friends! Iââ¬â¢m searching for my next opportunity in [FIELD/DISCIPLINE/MARKETING NICHE]. I have [YEARS OF EXPERIENCE] and Iââ¬â¢m ready to make an impact. The same goes (perhaps even more obviously) for LinkedIn. People are on the site to establish their professional reputation and network. So, let people know youââ¬â¢re looking. As previously established, you can also find public job listings here. Reaching Out on LinkedIn If youââ¬â¢ve ever wondered why LinkedIn is useful, my last two jobs were facilitated in part by LinkedIn outreach. If there is someone who works at a company youââ¬â¢d like to be at (or if youââ¬â¢re a hiring manager looking to add a team member), consider sending them a polite message asking if theyââ¬â¢d be interested in getting coffee to talk shop. Oftentimes, people will be flattered that you see them as an expert. Plus, this can also show initiative. Now, tread lightly here. Avoid sending connection requests to people you donââ¬â¢t know with no context or message, and donââ¬â¢t come on too strong, either. If someone is local and thereââ¬â¢s a chance you run in the same industry circles already, though, it doesnââ¬â¢t hurt to reach out. Do a simple search on LinkedIn: Then, send a simple message: Hi, My name is [NAME], and Iââ¬â¢m a [ROLE] at [COMPANY]. Iââ¬â¢m interested in learning more about [COMPANY/ROLE], and am curious if you would like to grab coffee at [LOCAL COFFEE SHOP]. The worst that can happen is you donââ¬â¢t get a response. But, if youââ¬â¢re new to the business, sometimes you have to force your way in, and this is an effective way to start building connections while showing youââ¬â¢re serious about the work. Go Directly to Company Websites Is there a company you dream about working for? Then just check out their careers page and see if theyââ¬â¢re hiring. No need to make this any more complicated than that. Then, submit your application. While itââ¬â¢s inadvisable to put all your eggs in one basket, thereââ¬â¢s nothing wrong with reaching for jobs you might think are too competitive or beyond your grasp. Have some faith in yourself. Visit Local Networking Events So far, this post has covered ways to find jobs without leaving home. Now, itââ¬â¢s time to get down to the brass tacks of doing actual networking in the real world. This can be intimidating, especially if youââ¬â¢re an introverted individual. If thatââ¬â¢s the case for you though, just remember a lot of people are nervous going into new places or meeting new people. The payoffs here easily outweigh that discomfort. First, try finding some industry events or organizations in your area. These might include: Meetups:à Many cities have active marketing Meetup.org events. Industry Organizations: The PRSA, American Advertising Federation, and others often host regular events. Local Networking Events: Even general business networking events can put you in touch with companies looking to hire for marketing roles. To find these events: Do a search on Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Scope out Meetup.org and do some keyword searches for marketing meetups. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce. If you hate networkingà but have to do it, this video from Complex offers some useful advice: Making the Most of Professional Events for Finding New Job Opportunities The key to making events like these work for you is to build genuine relationships with people. You might directly hear about job openings, especially if hosts, guests, or attendees are hiring. Itââ¬â¢s also not a bad idea to let people you meet know youââ¬â¢re actively looking for something new. But, avoid hard selling yourself to people you donââ¬â¢t know. Focus on getting to know people and building connections over time. This is more likely to help you find your next opportunity than hounding people or coming off like youââ¬â¢re trying too hard. Consider Starting a Blog Blogging your way into a job can take a lot of effort. However, thatââ¬â¢s exactly how ââ¬â¢s Head of Demand Generation, Nathan Ellering, caught the companyââ¬â¢s attention. Itââ¬â¢s a good way to show what you know, demonstrate your writing ability, and maybe even build an audience for yourself. Before you consider going this route, check the following boxes: Have a focus or an angle. Whatââ¬â¢s your perspective, or what area of marketing will you focus on? Commit to a basic publishing schedule. Even if itââ¬â¢s just a post every couple weeks, hold yourself accountable to staying consistent. Donââ¬â¢t stress too much about it. If the goal is to get yourself hired, then donââ¬â¢t worry too much about not getting tons of traffic or social shares. The idea is to get in front of the right people, and maybe have something you can add to a resume. Recommended Reading: How to Start a Successful Blog That Will Crush Your Marketing Goals 10 Simple Blog Post Templates to Create the Best Content The Ultimate Blog Writing Process to Create the Best Posts Keeping Your Job Hunt Organized Now, as you progress through your journey in career advancement, youââ¬â¢ll meet a lot of people, find lots of listings, and send out a ton of applications. In fact, itââ¬â¢s not unheard of for people to send literally dozens of resumes and going on multiple interviews before securing a position. It can be enough to make your head spin. So, how do you keep track of it all? Try using the template included in this post (click here to jump up to the download form). It includes everything you need to store interesting listings, keep track of where youââ¬â¢ve applied, and more. At the bottom, youââ¬â¢ll find three tabs: Opportunities, Contacts, and Interviews: Hereââ¬â¢s what to include under each one: Opportunities: Track your job leads here. Add companies, job postings, notes, and details here. Contacts: If you meet people who might have leads for you, keep track of their names and contact information under this tab. Interviews: Going on multiple interviews at different companies? Note the dates and results of each one here. If youââ¬â¢re sending out a high volume of applications, this will help maintain sanity. Now, Go Get Yourself Hired That covers what you need to know about getting your next (or even first) marketing job. Hereââ¬â¢s a recap: This post covered tons of different places to find open opportunities. It also went over how to find jobs that arenââ¬â¢t advertised. Some outside-the-box ways to put yourself out there. And tons more. So, now that youââ¬â¢ve got the information you need, thereââ¬â¢s only one thing left to do: kick off your job hunt and take your career where you want to go.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Social Solidarity through Pop Music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Social Solidarity through Pop Music - Essay Example Of the many artists, Bob Dylan and John Lennon exemplified the experience and in fact Jimi Hendrix had an album titled "Are You Experienced". This expressive revolution brought an audience together through a common bond and satisfied the pop music listener's quest for solidarity. It is not too much to say that the 1960s were the root of the expressive revolution of sacred realism through music. Breaking traditional forms of folk music by combining folk music and rock music, Bob Dylan was one of the most influential artists of the era and together with the Beatles were able to ignite a pop music revolution. The music was powerful and was able to unite listeners into a 'collective consciousness" by just appreciating their music together. Strangers passing on the street would be drawn together as friends by the acknowledgment of a familiar song. This collective solidarity gave the listener authenticity as well as a verification of a meaningful existence. This justification for one's life became the sacred authenticity that a generation was in search of. Breaking the mold and blending new styles opened the gates for listeners to detach from the tired past and experiment with their own identity. For Bob Dylan, unlike many artists who pursue only one style of music, Dylan did not stick with one genre. His music can be divided into many different genres such as folk, folk-rock, gospel, and country. Dylan's early music was inspired by a famous folk singer, Woody Guthrie, who had a great influence on the young Dylan. In a Los Angeles Times interview, Dylan said, "Woody's songs were about everything at the same time. They were about rich and poor, black and white, the highs and lows of life, the contradictions between what they were teaching in school and what was really happening" (Hilburn 2004). This indicated Dylan's understanding that integration meant collective. We were all one in search of a common medium. Dylan expressed current social issues through his lyrics as opposed to many traditional folk singers' upper class oriented musi c. His music was well blended with traditional instrumentation such as acoustic guitar, and harmonica. In addition, Dylan broke the stereotypical ideology that folk music cannot exist without its traditional form. By 'going electric' at the Newport Folk Festival, Dylan defied the norm and explored a revolutionary act that was widely criticized as a commercial sell out. However, Dylan had opened the door to his own identity and had invited millions of listeners to join him. Those that had been categorized for decades were free to become a part of the new consciousness. As Eyerman and Jamison contend, "The musician, songwriter, or composer must first learn the notation and the melodic and rhythmic procedures of the tradition in order to make music; otherwise it could not be passed on. But, at the same time, artistic creation requires that those rules be broken, or at least amended, so that the tradition can be rejuvenated by adding something new to it" (29). Dylan was able combine our cultures in a way that gave us an unspoken agreement and a silent bond that would soon become sacred. This bond would become a large part of our new identity. In his Los Angeles Times
Friday, October 18, 2019
PDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PDP - Essay Example wledge and skills in business management, accounting and financial management, human resources management, strategic management, marketing management, change management, and social communication skills among others (UWBS 2012). Furthermore, I also expect this course to improve my analytical thinking and basic research skills. After taking this course, my long-term goal is to pursue a financial management career in the governmentââ¬â¢s Ministry of Finance. My personal and career ambition is to hold the highest possible position in a government financial institution. When working for a government institution, the culture of corruption and red tape is quite common and is very difficult to control. With regards to this matter, Tanzi and Davoodi (2000, pp. 3 ââ¬â 4) revealed that there is ââ¬Å"a negative association between corruption perception indexes and levels of economic development which is measured by the real per capita GDPâ⬠. Not all students who are enrolled are currently employed in a business organization. In order to help fight corruption within the public sector, I expect this MBA course to give me the opportunity to reflect upon the role and responsibilities of internal and external auditors including the importance of corporate governance within the practice of accounting and finance (Moeller 2009). Among the basic subjects that I have taken up at UWBS, the most applicable to my chosen profession is accounting and finance management. Before taking up the Masters studies, my personal and interpersonal skills were not quite developed. Although I worked for a government institution back in our country, it was quite unusual for me to be able to be exposed and mingle with a diverse group of people. With regards to my academic skills, areas that needs improvement includes doing research work. Although I was already familiar with regards to some of the theories related to marketing, human resource management, operations management, and basic accounting and
Employment law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Employment law - Assignment Example Importantly, the laws are not the same in all the companies rather they differ depending on the cultural, political and economical factors of the countries. The employment law entails the relation between employees, employers, trade unions and the government. The employment law in relation to employees constitutes their rights at work. For instance in the UK Employment law; employment contracts, unfair dismissal, the Working Time Regulations, flexible working rights and equality aspects are outlined. With respect to the law, an employee is able to figure out the rights at work and how to acquire legal advice when discriminated against or unfairly dismissed from work. The UK employment law enables employers to comply with it thus treat their employees fairly and lawfully. Pauls dismissal due to his misbehavior is a controversial issue since other people may support or oppose the act. The employment law of UK outlines the procedure to be followed when an employee is to be sacked. As an HR manager in the store where Paul works, I will effectively advise the General Manager on what to do. This is because Paul has presented an unfair dismiss al claim to his Employment Tribunal Office. The course of action to be taken by the organization should therefore comply with the UK employment law. The organization should have considered Pauls source of the misconduct in order to proceed with the dismissal. A thorough and effective investigation was to be carried out before the dismissal. Therefore, Paul has a right to claim for the unfair dismissal to the local Employment Tribunal Office. The organization should have issued Paul a notice or warning before the dismissal. It did not follow the correct procedure of dismissal despite Paul involving himself into fighting which is considered fair enough for dismissal. According to the UK employment law, the organization should have carried out a proper investigation about Pauls misconduct instead of issuing
Making an Ethical Decision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Making an Ethical Decision - Essay Example Mary and her colleagues should not have agreed with the decision because considering individual circumstances, 6 months are not an unfair amount of time to expect to be out on maternity leave. This is because, among other reasons, it is in the best interest of their children for them to take longer leave. According to a study carried out by the economic journal in 2005, children of American women who resumed work within 12 weeks were more likely to have cognitive and behavioral issues (Lerner 2011).This is because despite the fact the fact most mothers will have physically recovered from the childbirth in under this time. There are a myriad of psychological factors that need to be factored in such as time spent with the children. There is at present, sufficient medical evidence to indicate that a mother spending short periods of time with their newborns is a leading contributor of infant disorders and even death (Lerner 2011). While giving brief leave may appear to make economic sens e to employers in terms of increasing the motherââ¬â¢s time at work, ergo, productivity at closer scrutiny, it is likely to be counterproductive. This is because nursing mothers who are also working are more prone to stress depression and frustration (Melnick 2011) and as such may not be the best of workers. Pursuant to managementââ¬â¢s turn down, there are several avenues the employees can consider some more radical than others. One cause of action would be to try to renegotiate with management and, attempt to come up with a compromise. This could involve offering to shortening their time off or even providing statistical evidence. That is if any can be found, that women given time off will ultimately be better workers. Alternatively they could take activists routes and through their union take assertive actions like striking or suing management. The situation has several stake holders primarily of course, are the women employees particularly those who plan on having children in posterity. Nonetheless, the whole firm including management and fellow workers as long clients has a stake in this. This is because if the womenââ¬â¢s claims are correct, the productivity of the company would go up in the long run if their demands are met. In case they decide to go on strike, the whole firm and clients will be affected directly or indirectly. Furthermore, other companies in the area and/or country will be affected since not many companies give their employees that much time off with the average time being less than 3 months, which is the amount of time the national Family Leave Law allocates (Lerner 2011). In case Maryââ¬â¢s efforts are successful it would spur others to follow suit and as such a large part of the labor industry may feel the impact. In fact, Melnick posits that six months is ideal because according to research after about this period, work did not translate to poor parenting (Para 3). Management could try to settle the problems in several ways. Herein, two significant ones will be considered. For one, they could like it had been suggested of the women try to come to some compromise, this way they could offer an increment of time off to what they consider reasonable and try to convince them to take the deal. Alternately, management could avail daycare facilities within the premises of the firm for nursing motherââ¬â¢s time off with their kids. While management may find this an expensive venture, assuming they rejected the initial petition for financial
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Health Organization Case Study in the USA Essay
Health Organization Case Study in the USA - Essay Example As Mensik et al. (2011) provide continuous focus has been on enhancing further insurance coverage, augmented by government insurance of public sector employees. There has been need for enhanced public-private sector partnership in tackling the critical issue through development of prevailing health care organizations. Factors influencing this strategy have concentrated on the need to address nurse staffing, network/ organizational growth, resource management, and ultimately patient satisfaction. Each of these remains a critical issue especially given the fact that the U.S. is still ranked low in terms of quality health care amongst the industrialized nations. Banner Health is a non-profit health organization based in Phoenix, Arizona operating a network of 23 hospitals, in addition to specialized facilities. A large organization by national standards, it caters for the provision of health services, i.e. hospital care, emergency care, outpatient surgery centers, rehab services, labs, hospice, home/ long-term care and pharmacies (Mensik et al., 2011). Recent inclusion of primary care physician clinics i.e. Banner Medical Group and Banner Arizona Medical Clinic further cements the entities stake within the American health sector. In addition, the entity operates a Medicare Advantage insurance plan (Banner MediSun) as part of its larger strategy of greater medical coverage of the American populace.
General Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
General - Research Paper Example rom past years has resulted to several models, assumptions and principles as well as explanations that fully support adult learning and act as a base for improvement, itââ¬â¢s certain that none of these theories is bound to have significant help on all adult students. Understanding this fact in addition to knowledge on the adult learning theories helps adult educators effect their practice. Several theories have been put forward and they include: andragogy, self-directed learning, active learning, transformational learning, problem solving and problem based learning, multiple intelligences, theory of learning conditions among many others. The principle of andragogy was established by Malcolm Knows (1980) in an effort to differentiate the means by which adults learn from those of young ones. This was the basis of all other theories as it tends to emphasize that adults are self directed and are anxious of being involved in decision making. . Malcolm contrasted this principle with the art of teaching a child referred to as pedagogy. His contrast was based on several assumptions about adult learners that in addition to them knowing the reason to study something, the content has to have immediate value. Another assumption is that adult learners also approach learning as a way of solving a particular problem and thus learning should be done experientially. Malcolm also pointed out that the motivation to study is more from internal factors than any external pressure. Therefore, andragogy calls for a clear explanation as to why the student should acquire knowledge on something and any adult tutor should adhere to it. However the principle of student incentive to self decision neglects the fact that the teacher should act as the primary source of information, knowledge and to some extent direction (Brookfield 2003). This draws back the andragogy to some point. Studies have shown that a great percentage of adult learning is self-directed (Cross 1981) whereby they take full
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Health Organization Case Study in the USA Essay
Health Organization Case Study in the USA - Essay Example As Mensik et al. (2011) provide continuous focus has been on enhancing further insurance coverage, augmented by government insurance of public sector employees. There has been need for enhanced public-private sector partnership in tackling the critical issue through development of prevailing health care organizations. Factors influencing this strategy have concentrated on the need to address nurse staffing, network/ organizational growth, resource management, and ultimately patient satisfaction. Each of these remains a critical issue especially given the fact that the U.S. is still ranked low in terms of quality health care amongst the industrialized nations. Banner Health is a non-profit health organization based in Phoenix, Arizona operating a network of 23 hospitals, in addition to specialized facilities. A large organization by national standards, it caters for the provision of health services, i.e. hospital care, emergency care, outpatient surgery centers, rehab services, labs, hospice, home/ long-term care and pharmacies (Mensik et al., 2011). Recent inclusion of primary care physician clinics i.e. Banner Medical Group and Banner Arizona Medical Clinic further cements the entities stake within the American health sector. In addition, the entity operates a Medicare Advantage insurance plan (Banner MediSun) as part of its larger strategy of greater medical coverage of the American populace.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Nuclear Weapon and Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Nuclear Weapon and Cold War - Essay Example The debate on nuclear policy has addressed the deterrence of aggressive nations and the proliferation goals of nuclear weaponry. The Cold War, which took place following World War II, was a power struggle between the world powers, more specifically the United States and the Soviet Union. During the Cold War, nuclear proliferation became inevitable as the world powers and their allies struggled to obtain the resources necessary to build their own nuclear weapon. As other nations developed the capability to produce nuclear weapons, limiting nuclear proliferation to the greatest degree possible became one of the primary goals of American foreign policy. The events following World War II, inadvertently changed the international politics of the United States by requiring the American government to take a more active role in the affairs of the nation. In the long run, the proliferation of nuclear weapons increased the Cold War but diminished the desire for a hot war. For centuries, the United States' foreign policy was isolationism, however, the Americans' international politics changed dramatically by the end of World War II.2 The United States rarely developed international policies, military advancements, or technological advancements before other nations. "The United States through most of its history had hardly led the world in developing new war-fighting technologies. Americans had tended to imitate rather than to originate weaponry"3 As the war came to a close, the United Stated tested the first nuclear weapon, an atomic bomb. The Americans' development of the first nuclear weapon was unprecedented, but the United States was trying to find a fast and cost effective solution to bring World War II to an end. "Having acquired this awesome weapon, the United States used it against Japan for a simple and straightforward reason: to achieve victory as quickly, as decisively, and as economically as possible Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed"4 This devastating demonstration of the atomic bomb ended World War II only weeks after the creation of the United Nations. The United States government started to take an active role in the world and the security of the nation instead of maintaining its isolationist views. The United States government enacted organizations, policies, plans, and treaties to insure the safety and security of themselves and their allies, therefore taking on a very untraditional role. At the end of the Second World War, the major concern was the containment of communism and the security of the United States and its allies. In 1946, Winston Churchill warned the United States about the Iron Curtain. The Iron Curtain was a "symbolic separation of Europe" between countries that were controlled by the Soviet Union and those that were not controlled by the Russians.5 The fear was that a "domino effect"6 (one country falls to communism then they all
Monday, October 14, 2019
Defining, Examining and Designing an Organizational Structure
Defining, Examining and Designing an Organizational Structure An organizational structure can be defined as a pattern of relationships of different component in an organization. Organization structure thus refers to the arrangement of relationships among different positions and people in an organization (HRM GUIDE 2009, Para. 2). Importance of organizational structure Organization structure gives authority and responsibility to individuals. It directs who is in charge of what and who is responsible for what outcome. The structure helps individuals to know their roles and how to relate to each other in the organization (HRM GUIDE 2009, Para. 3). The organization structure gives the pattern of communication and coordination in the organization. By grouping activities and individuals, organization structure helps to facilitate communication between individuals centered in their responsibilities. This enables information sharing and problem solving. Location of decision centers: organization structure determines the centre of decision making and the source of power in an organization. Proper balancing: organization structure ensures good coordination between different groups in the organization. Nike Company It is a publicly traded supplier of sportswear and equipment in the United States. The company headquarters are based in Beaverton. Nike is the worlds greatest manufacture and supplier of athletic shoes. The Company adopts a hybrid of both functional and divisional structure. The chief executive officer is in the top of the hierarchy and the following managers directly report to him: the corporate vice president, manager operations, manager Jordan brand, manager Nike brand, manager global basketball, manager Americas brand, manager administration, manager Brand and category management, manager footwear, human resources manager, sports marketing manager and the manager in charge of Nike design (Official Board 2009, Para. 1). Looking at the Nike structure we realize that each brand has a department that organizes its activities. Each brand operates independently such that it organizes on the production and marketing. Each department then has sub-units or sub-departments like production and accounting. This enables the company to track the performance of each of its brand separately. Each departmental head reports directly to the C.E.O. this gives departments autonomy in decision making. There are other departments that are utilized by all the departments but they also report directly to the C.E.O. The human resource department is responsible for recruitment and placement of employees in the whole organization. This department deals with the employees affairs in the whole organization. The manager (operation) is responsible for coordination of operations within the whole company. It has the responsibility of making sure that all activities in the organization are run smoothly and are well coordinated. This reduces conflict and facilitates interdepartmental cooperation (Official Board 2009, Para. 2). The marketing department is the department that deals with all the marketing activities of the products produced by the Company. This department organizes sales and promotion campaigns for all the brands. This department is responsible for brand development and growth. It works together with other department to determine sales forecast and expected demand for the products. This department is an important part of the firm because it is responsible for maintaining a strong brand for her products. Comparisons of Nikes organizational structure and the divisional type of organization structure Communications Divisional type of structure has a decentralized form of communication such that different department make their own decisions on consultation with the C.E.O., this is the same communication channel that is practiced in Nike. Each brand manager is directly answerable to the head office. The department makes its own production schedule and organizes its internal affairs (Buzzel.com 2009, para.5). There are some differences in the Nike structure and the convectional divisional structure communication. In the Nike structure there is the operations department which facilitates the interdepartmental communication. This department ensures that information flow between the departments is smooth. The information between the departments doesnt have to go to the CEO first so that it can be communicated to other departments. Division of labor The organization structure at Nike is organized such that each department is responsible for organizing its own activities. This shows that each departmental manager is the boss of a given department. The employees of a given department are answerable to the departmental head. This is similar to the divisional type of organization structure where the departments are usually given the autonomy to carry out their own activities and answerable to the top management (Buzzel.com 2009, para.4). The Nike Company organizational structure gives the departmental head control over all the processes and the human resources in the department. However there is an overall human resource department that harmonizes the human resources in the whole organization. This shows that the human resources in the organization have two centers of control. The department controls the working of employees while the human resource department is concerned with staffing and the employees welfare. Coordination Nikes organization structure coordination is similar to that of divisional organizational structure. Each departmental manager in the Nike Company reports directly to the C.E.O. and the board of directors forms the reference point to each department. Each departmental head organizes the activities in his/her department and makes sure they are well coordinated to produce maximum output. Nike has got also the operation department. This department is responsible in overall logistical planning in the organization. It is responsible for bringing logistical harmony in the companys operations. This is different from the divisional organizational structure which relies with all its coordination from the top management http://www.taxarticles.info/2010/06/importance-of-organizational-structure/
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Adolphe Sax the Creator of the Saxaphone :: essays research papers
Adolphe Sax didn't know what kind of monster he created, but as history bluntly tells us, it wasn't any four-eyed, flying, purple people eater. Adolphe came upon a horn that would capture many imaginations, save a couple of military bands, define jazz, and win over lame highschool kids like Lily. This colorful history has more kinks in it than your standard garden hose, people have terrorized it, belittled it, outlawed it, and (last, but not least) demonized it. The saxophone, though one of the youngest players in the music world today, has more castatrophes and triumphs in it's history than the brass family rolled up together (and thrown at lame highschool kids like Brekke.) Why is this so? Where did it start? Marco? Polo? Well it started one fine day... Adolphe, the hero for the first part of the story, was born in Brussels on November 19, 1814. His father, Charles Sax, was Belgium's chief instrument maker and he was intent on passing the trade on to Adolphe. But, much like the history of the sax, Adolphe encountered many accidents to hinder these dreams. Adolphe wasn't a graceful boy and was prone to accidents like nearly drowning, falling down stairs, and the occasional fire in father's workshop. None the less by his teens he was showing exceptional skill at instrument making. In Belgium there was a convention every year, the Brussels Industrial Exposition. At fifteen Adolphe submitted a clarinet and two flutes of ivory (1830). Before he was twenty he had created a new fingering system on the soprano clarinet and redesigned the bass clarinet. Bass clarinets, beautiful and boisterous instruments, were once unreliable and unplayable instruments. Adolphe turned the monster into an elegant, regal low wind that (gasp) played in tune. But he was turned down from first place, not because of quality, but age. On the bias of age, judges roasted Adolphe, claiming he would not be appreciative of the honor at such a young age. Not appreciative of their conclusion, he turned to Paris. At twenty-eight (1842) he set off for Paris, then the instrument-making capital (still is), to set up shop. Filled with more ambitious ideas and brilliance than his father, he stomped into town and made as much noise settling in as possible. Now to really paint this picture you must have the scenario.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
science corse work (minus results) :: essays research papers
GCSE Physics Coursework - Resistance of a Wire Coursework Resistance of a Wire Task To investigate how the resistance of a wire is affected by the length of the wire. Theory What is resistance? Electricity is conducted through a conductor, in this case wire, by means of free electrons. The number of free electrons depends on the material and more free electrons means a better conductor, i.e. it has less resistance. For example, gold has more free electrons than iron and, as a result, it is a better conductor. The free electrons are given energy and as a result move and collide with neighbouring free electrons. This happens across the length of the wire and thus electricity is conducted. Resistance is the result of energy loss as heat. It involves collisions between the free electrons and the fixed particles of the metal, other free electrons and impurities. These collisions convert some of the energy that the free electrons are carrying into heat. How is it measured? The resistance of a length of wire is calculated by measuring the current present in the circuit (in series) and the voltage across the wire (in parallel). These measurements are then applied to this formula: V = I à ´ R where V = Voltage, I = Current and R = Resistance This can be rearranged to: R = V I Ohmââ¬â¢s Law It is also relevant to know of Ohmââ¬â¢s Law, which states that the current through a metallic conductor (e.g. wire) at a constant temperature is proportional to the potential difference (voltage). Therefore V à ¸ I is constant. This means that the resistance of a metallic conductor is constant providing that the temperature also remains constant. Furthermore, the resistance of a metal increases as its temperature increases. This is because at higher temperatures, the particles of the conductor are moving around more quickly, thus increasing the likelihood of collisions with the free electrons. Variables Input: â⬠¢Ã à à à à Length of wire. * â⬠¢Ã à à à à Material of wire. â⬠¢Ã à à à à Width of wire. â⬠¢Ã à à à à Starting temperature of wire. Output: â⬠¢Ã à à à à and thus the resistance of the wire. â⬠â⬠¢Ã à à à à Voltage across wire. â⬠¢Ã à à à à Current in circuit. â⬠¢Ã à à à à Temperature of wire. The variable marked with a * will be varied, the other input variables will be kept constant. The output variable marked with a â⬠will be measured. Predictions â⬠¢Ã à à à à The longer the wire, the higher the resistance. This is because the longer the wire, the more times the free electrons will collide with other free electrons, the particles making up the metal, and any impurities in the metal.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Significance of Sibling and Peer interaction on Children
Within the field of child psychology much emphasis has been placed on the relationship and interactions of mother and child (Harris, 1998; Pinker, 2002). This essay intends to highlight the significance of another kind of interaction, that of the child and his/her siblings and peers, with the view to show how this type of interaction can have an impact on subsequent development. In the process, the essay will evaluate the research carried out and the evidence gained within this area by way of critical analysis.As an added aid the essay will take examples from the died material: Media Kit Part 1, Video Band 2: Zero to Hero as supplied by Open university (2006). The type of interaction mainly focused upon here is play; as this is the catalysis by which young children, from toddler-hood onwards, engage with other children. Littleton and Mill (2005) recognize this type of interaction as ââ¬Ëimportant sites for development' where new skills can be acquired and tested out in ways that c ould not with adults.To help better define this type of relationship between sibling and peers it is perhaps best to distinguish them from the other main type of relationship that children find homeless in. Schaffer, (1996) uses the term vertical relationship to describe a type of relationship that is characterized by an inequality of social power and knowledge level between adult and child. It is marked also by a complementarily of roles whereby the child may ask for help and a parent or caregiver may offer it.This is in contrast to the horizontal relationship that is marked more so for its reciprocity and equality of social power and knowledge. A good example being between two children of similar age. This peer relationship is similar in nature to hat of sibling relationships however as Schaffer (1996) notes, in this case the sibling relationship has the unique quality of being able to share both characteristics of, on the one hand reciprocity, whereby siblings can co-operate succ essfully in play situations and on the other, a marked age difference can see the older sibling as part time teacher and guide.This idea would have had its beginnings in the early social constructivism perspective. Bigotry (1986) purported the belief that interaction and collaboration with peers equal and more capable, promotes learning and creates what he called a Zone of Proximal Development, where children of different abilities learn from each other. One of the methods they do this is by what Schaffer (2003) describes as ââ¬Ëscaffolding whereby support is offered for learning however the task is not simplified.The ability to play with others has also been described as a ââ¬Ëskilled international accomplishment' because of the complex skills involved, such as sensitivity to the needs of others, negotiation and conflict management skills (Littleton and Mill, 2005). But to play with people on must have the ability to Join in with others. In the video Zero to Hero supplied by Open University (2006), Professor Robert Winston lists certain factors that affect a child's ability to Join in with others including premature birth, shyness and laughter.Smith et al. , (1999) sees laughter as an important social signal for children within play fighting both for the child to use and for the child to interpret others meaning of it. Smith et al. , (1999) also cite the ability to regulate emotion, turn-taking skills and the ability to understand another person's point of view as important social skills, not Just added for successful social interaction but are actively developed and practiced in play situations.Open University (2006) illustrates these points by showing the use of classic experiments such as a version of the ââ¬Ëmarshmallow experiment (Muscle, 1974) where a child is sat in front of a marshmallow and told that he/she can have twice the amount if they can wait a specified time. Its been suggested from results that children able to wait or ââ¬Ëdelay gratification' are better able to control emotions and is a better indication of academic and social success in their teens than IQ scores.Also being able to hold back like this does increase a child's popularity In another example children of about three years are shown how to play Which hand is the coin in game' where a person places a coin in one hand in full view of the child sitting opposite. The hand is then placed behind the back and both hands are re- presented closed for the child to guess which hand the coin is now in. Open University (2006) suggests that most children at this age cannot play this game from the alternative position as they believe that the other person already knows which hand the coin is in.This idea could be seen to come from the Paginating concept of ââ¬Ëegocentrics' whereby the child's dominance of their own perceptions leaves them unable to see things from another's perspective. Pigged elucidated this aspect through his Three Mountains Task (Pigged and Inhaler, 1972) Counter to this however, Open University (2006) go on to show the child named ââ¬ËRubin' as not only able to play the game, but also able to predict What other children will do'. They imply the reason for this as a result of his home life dynamic.Here, Rubin lives with his two brothers and all have different fathers suggesting a lot of interaction with different types of people but mainly that play with his siblings is significant. This emphasis on sibling interaction as a cause for Robin's advancement, when held up against Piglet's stage theory of intellectual development (in Dates, Cheesy and Wood, 2005), suggests that early and sustained interaction with siblings can contribute to a change in normal developmental cognitive structures.This assumption is arrived at through the underlying nature of any stage theory where, by definition imply distinct boundaries between stages where independent processes take place (Amounts, 2009). Piglet's theory places Robin' s changes as occurring by the end of his second, Pre-operational stage or at the beginning of his Concrete operational stage where the child is moving away from egocentric thinking. The age put on this stage of development is around six years, notably different from Robin's three.In another study by Dunn (1988), children from a very young age were shown to have the ability co-operate with each other and engage in complex types of play such as fantasy play whereby other identities were taken on requiring different forms of language (Corsair, 1986). Dunn (1988) even showed that children as young as eight months were able to share and recognize the mood of a sibling and by fourteen months had the ability to co-operate in another's goals. However, the idea that examples can be found that find children performing better then Pigged would have originally predicted is not something new.Donaldson Hiding the Policeman experiment is a case in point (Donaldson and Hughes, 1978), as are other e xamples (Miscarriage and Donaldson, 1974; Light et al. , 1979). The intent of this essay at this point however, is not to argue the individual merits of Paginating theory, for even Donaldson criticisms can be regarded as an enhancement of the theory rather than a dismissing out of hand. It can be suggested that her argument is based on children's reasoning being regarded as more sophisticated then first proposed, with the emphasis now to be placed within the social context for which a situation occurred, I. . That things make ââ¬Ëhuman sense' to the child (Dates et al. , 2005). Instead the point here is to show that by using this influential developmental approach that the significance of peer and sibling interaction can be more clearly en. For it should also be noted that Pigged himself valued this cognitive development aspect of peer relationships, referring to it as socio-cognitive conflict where he argued that these interactions exposed the child to conflicting views from peo ple who were of equal status to themselves thus motivating a rethink of their own understandings.The power imbalance of adult's interactions lends to this (Dates et In light of what has been said so far it could be argued that peer and sibling relationships contribute to advancement in cognitive and social skills. However, as Cantor et al. (1999) warns that social competence should not be conceived as a static set of abilities and that other factors in the child's environment should also be considered to contribute too child's development.And so taking again our real life example ââ¬ËRubin', one would expect that his advanced developmental and social skills would lead too socially more successful life. To the contrary Rubin was reported by almost half his class (and later by assessment) as displaying somewhat anti-social behaviors. One reason Open University (2006) gives for this is a lack of concentration, which, it is hoped, will be remedied with fish oil supplements. The secon d reason, it is suggested is partly due to instability within the home environment.Robin's mother is pregnant and this is causing tensions with her partner. The point to be drawn from this however, is that although play and interaction with siblings and peers is important for a child's development it should not be taken as a prescription for normal or ââ¬Ëhealthy patterns' of development (Schaffer, 1996) at least by western industrialized standards. Instead a more holistic approach should be adopted with regard to the multi-dimensional dynamic of a person's developmental thaw from birth to maturity.Perhaps a good model to consider would be Sombreros (1987) Transactional model of development. There are limitations however of psychologists accounts in this area. One such being the lack of research and evidence into the ever growing use of new technologies by young people when engaging in social activity. Maybe (2003) notes that the prevalence of mobile phone use has created an envi ronment that allows for young people to have twenty-four hour contact with each other without parental interference thus, providing a greater level of privacy and independence.However, it would also be noted that Dunn (2004) has valued this privacy aspect of friendship in early interactions as it aids young people in ciphering out the ââ¬Ëintricate balance of power and status between people' as well as giving them experience in relationships different from that which they share with their parents. This could also be construed as the beginnings of independence. Another limitation is that the majority of the research noted here has been carried out in westernizes societies.
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